


We are committed to serving students with accessible and equitable services through their time at WVC. The 学生福利领航员 is available to connect students to campus and community resources for basic needs such as childcare services, clothing, transportation, housing, 食品、精神/身体健康服务. 它们还可以支持访问和完成 of Financial Aid applications and connect eligible students to different grants offered 通过皇冠8868会员登录谷学院.

The 学生福利领航员 does not have independent resources available to them, 但可以帮你联系部门和服务,帮助你在你的 time at WVC.

Some of the resources that the 学生福利领航员 can connect you with are:


帮助符合条件的家庭支付托儿费用. 当一个家庭有资格照顾孩子 补贴的好处和选择一个合格的提供者,国家支付的一部分 照顾孩子的费用. 父母可能要向他们的医疗服务提供者支付共同费用 each month. 


  • SNAP-
    • 联邦食品援助
    • 通过提供每月购买的福利,帮助低收入者维持收支平衡 food. 
  • FAP
    • 国家粮食援助
    • Provides benefits to legal immigrants who are not eligible for the federal supplemental 营养援助计划(SNAP)仅仅是因为移民身份. 

The 学生福利领航员 can help you with the application process and prepare 来参加DSHS的面试. 你也可以在这里申请: 华盛顿连接

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Office at Wenatchee Valley College is available to assist students in applying for all types of financial assistance; including grants, work study opportunities, veteran benefits, 奖学金和学生贷款.


政府表格,现在和未来的大学生可以填写来决定 如果他们有资格获得联邦政府的经济援助. It is available 供学生每年申请.

By completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) you will automatically be considered for most federal and state aid and all funds that Wenatchee Valley College offers.


Any student who does not have a social security number and wishes to apply for Washington 国家援助必须完成华盛顿州财政援助(WASFA)申请.  Those 持有个人纳税识别号码(由美国国税局为税务目的而发出)的人士,应在 WASFA的SSN字段.  如果您既没有SSN也没有ITIN,则会分配WASFA id to you.  

Any student with a social security number issued by the Social Security Administration (即使是那些有工作限制的人)也可以提交FAFSA,这可以用来 确定是否有资格获得华盛顿州援助. 




The 学生资助中心 是否有5项助学金可以帮助符合条件的学生支付学费. The Student Benefits Navigator可以帮助您连接到:

  • BFET:
    • The Basic Food Employment and Training program (BFET) provides services to federal 华盛顿州的基本食品援助受助人. 提供的服务包括 search assistance, education and skills training, English language instruction, and in certain cases, support for tuition, childcare, housing, supplies, and other related expenses.
  • SSEH:
    • The Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness (SSEH) Grant assists students experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity, or students that were in foster care at the time 从高中毕业.
    • ANY current Wenatchee Valley College student who meets one of the eligibility requirements may be able to receive support from this grant, regardless of which program you are enrolled in. 

为了了解你是否有资格获得学生资助中心提供的任何资助, 请在下面的链接中填写他们的兴趣调查. 一名工作人员将到达 向您提供有关您资格的更多信息.



Emergency Grants

The WVC咨询部 has emergency grants available for eligible students who need assistance with tuition, fees, books, technology needs, course materials, food, housing, gas, unexpected auto 维修、日托和其他费用. 

If you would like to get in contact with them directly, please contact WVC Counseling at counseling@w5lv.com 

The 学生福利领航员 can help you get connected to community housing supports (切兰、道格拉斯和奥肯戈根县). 

  • HopeSource:
    • If you are experiencing homelessness or concerned about staying in your current housing, 无家可归者住房网络可以提供帮助. 客户辩护律师 assist you.  
  • Chelan Valley Hope:
    • Provides assistance, advocacy, and referral service to under-resourced families and individuals throughout 大切兰河谷. 帮助处于危机中的个人和家庭获得基本服务 比如紧急住所,水电和房租 assistance, food and transportation vouchers, food, clothing, and other social and health services. 
  • 切兰道格拉斯社区行动委员会/奥卡诺根县社区行动委员会:
    • Provides assistance 具有家居维修、房屋、保温等功能.  
  • 妇女资源中心:
    • Provides individuals and families experiencing poverty and homelessness with the housing 以及支持性服务,他们需要成为一个健康、多元化社区的一部分.
  • YWCA:
    • 提供紧急、过渡性和永久性支助性住房服务.
  • FYRE
    • 青年复原力基金会 & Engagement
    • 服务于奥卡诺根县12-24岁的人群
    • 涵盖四个领域:1)教育;2)身心健康;3)基本需求和 4)弹性规划. 

有关其他可用资源的更多信息,请填写 需要/援助接收表格 or send an email at molguinramos@w5lv.com.

学生福利导航员可以帮助您连接到骑士库普板 以及社区食品储藏室/银行.

Knights Kupboard:

  • Wenatchee:
    • When: 星期二上午十时至下午一时及星期四中午十二时至下午三时.m. 
    • To access the WVC campus food pantry outside of normal operating hours, please send an email at molguinramos@w5lv.com 或点击链接安排您与WVC辅导员的访问: 骑士库伯德通道
  • Omak: 
    • When: 星期三及四上午10时至下午1时. 请参考管理台进行访问 在一周的其他时间. 
    • Where: 行政大楼(楼下)121室.




  • 旧货店、食品储藏室(优先购买健康食品). Open for anyone.  
  • Open Mon-Sat 11:00-5:00pm  
  • Location: 219 14th St., Leavenworth, WA  
  • Phone: 509-548-6727  
  • www.uvmend.org 


  • Hours:周二和周六上午9点至10点 
  • Location邮编:西澳切兰市布拉德利街417号邮编:98816 
  • Phone: 509-368-4151 
  • www.lakechelanfoodbank.org 

Entiat Valley社区服务食品银行

  • 他们用Facebook通知下一个食物银行的时间. 通常在星期四, 星期五和星期六.  
  • Directions邮编:2084邮编:华盛顿州邮编:98822  
  • Phone: 509-888-3999 
  • Entiat Valley食品银行 



  • Provides food banks, basic food, also distributes food to different pantries (listed below). 
  • Location: 西澳奥马克大街307号邮编:98841  
  • Phone: 509-422-4041 
  • www.occac.com   


  • 301 South 4th St. (天主教会)
  • 每周四上午九时至十时三十分


  • 219 N. Main St. 
  • 每个月的第一个和第三个星期三从早上8点开始,直到交付 


  • 37 Lakes Street  
  • Monday-Friday from 7:30am-4pm(闭馆11:30am-12:30pm) 


  • 奥卡诺根县社区行动委员会:424 2nd Ave S 
  • 周二上午9点到下午12点 


  • 101 W 4th Ave 
  • 周二上午9点到下午12点 


  • 922 Main St. PO BOX 471 
  • 周四上午9:30 -11:30 


  • 101 Hwy 97 N 
  • 周四上午9点到11点 


  • The Cove,格洛弗街128号 
  • 周四下午1点到4点 


  • Toroda Creek路129号社区会堂 
  • 每个月的第二个和第四个星期四.  
  • 1pm until delivered

*Please refer to the OCCAC website 以小时和日期更新. 

如欲了解更多有关其他食品分发处的信息,请填写 需要/援助接收表格 or send an email at molguinramos@w5lv.com. 

Getting Connected: 

If you would like to get connected with the 学生福利领航员, please fill 使用以下连结(或扫描二维码)索取需要/援助表格. They 你会接触到更多可用资源的信息吗. You can also schedule 通过点击“预约时间”与学生福利导航员预约 to meet" link. 


QR code image
Magali Olguin Ramos
Mish ee twie 1121B

*这是华盛顿州设立的一个新职位 立法机关(第二代众议院法案1559 [2023]). 按法律,所有社区和 Technical Colleges have to have a benefits navigator to create a single point of contact 让学生获得满足其基本需求的资源. 学生的基本需要包括 of food, water, shelter, clothing, physical health, mental health, childcare, or similar needs that students enrolled at an institution of higher education, tribal college, 或社区或技术学院可能面临的困难,这阻碍了他们 能够开始或继续他们的注册.

根据联邦民权法和美国宪法.S. 美国农业部(USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual 取向)、宗教信仰、残疾、年龄、政治信仰或报复 对先前民权活动的报复.

课程信息可能会以英语以外的语言提供.  Persons 有残疾的人需要其他的交流方式来获得节目 information (e.g.(盲文,大字,录音带,美国手语),应该 联系他们申请福利的机构(州或地方). Individuals who 失聪、听力障碍或有语言障碍的人可以通过 联邦中继服务电话:(800)877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, 美国农业部计划歧视投诉表格,可在以下网站获得: http://www.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/ad-3027.pdf, from any USDA office, by calling (833) 620-1071, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. 信件必须载有投诉人的姓名、地址、电话号码、 and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date 涉嫌侵犯公民权利. 填妥的AD-3027表格或信件必须是 submitted to:

  1. mail:
    Alexandria, VA 22314; or
  2. fax:
    (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
  3. email:


De acuerdo con la ley federal de derechos civiles y las normas y políticas de derechos 美国农业部(USDA),美国农业部 está prohibida de discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo (incluyendo identidad de género y orientación sexual), credo religioso, discapacidad, edad, creencias Políticas,或代表retorsión贫穷的前文明活动.

La información sobre el programa puede estar disponible en otros idiomas que no sean el inglés. 人格障碍需要媒介替代comunicación para obtener información sobre el programa (por ejemplo, Braille, letra grande, cinta de audio, lenguaje de señas americano), debe ponerse en contacto con la agencia (estatal (1)当地政府对受惠者的援助. 人物形象的变化,使听众感到困难 o con discapacidades del habla pueden comunicarse con el USDA a través del Servicio 联邦de Retransmisión al (800) 877- 8339.

Para presentar una queja por discriminación en el programa, el reclamante debe llenar un formulario AD-3027, formulario de queja por discriminación en el programa del USDA Que puede obtenerse en línea en: http://www.usda.gov /网站/违约/文件/文件/ ad - 3027 s.pdf, [3]中国农业部,中国农业科学,(833)620-1071 . dirigida al USDA. 《皇冠6686会员登录》,《皇冠8868会员登录》,《皇冠6686会员登录》 Número电信行业的 , descripción歧视性指控报告acción con suficiente detalle para informar al Subsecretario de Derechos Civiles (ASCR) sobre 《皇冠8868会员登录》violación《皇冠8868会员登录》. El formulario AD-3027完整的la carta de present por:

  1. correo:
    Alexandria, VA 22314; o
  2. fax:
    (833)-256-1665, o (202)-690-7442; o
  3. correo electrónico:

Esta institución es unprovedor que brinda igualdad de opportunities.